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Planned Features

Some ideas I have for improvements to the Dice API...

(Eventually I'll track these in a git forge.)

Room IDs

Include a room id, allowing rolls from the same experience to be grouped. For example, players in the same game, session, encounter, etc. could have all rolls groups together and returned in sequence.

Ideas to implement:

  • POST new rolls with trigger word to create using a new room id.
  • POST new rolls with existing roomid to create using that room id.
  • GET all rolls by roomid sorted by time.

Additional Roll Types

Besides simply totalling up the faces of rolled dice, provide additional ways to score a roll.

Some options:

  • Keep threshold: Only total dice above/below a certain value.
  • Rerolls: Any dice above/below a certain value are rolled again.
  • Successes: Count number of dice above/below a certain value instead of totaling.